
  • 20 robot parts
  • Storage boxes for different parts
  • Customizable colors
  • Customizable storage boxes blueprint
  • Example character with simple modular system

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes

IK bones are included: No

Animated: No

Number of Characters: 4 unique robots and more than 30 combinations of their parts.

Vertex Counts of Characters: Average value about 23к per assembled robot.

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3 Materials and 30 Instances.

Number of Textures: 28

Texture Resolutions: 4k for robots, 2k for boxes.

Supported Development Platforms:

  • Windows: Yes
  • Mac: Yes

Documentation: Epic games documentation “Working with Modular Characters”

Additional Notes: Don’t forget to read the notes on the overview map.


  • 20个机器人零件
  • 不同零件的储存箱
  • 可定制的颜色
  • 可自定义存储箱蓝图
  • 具有简单模块化系统的示例字符

被操纵的: 是的



动画: 非也。




纹理数量: 28



  • 窗户:是的
  • Mac电脑:是的

文件: Epic games文档”使用模块化角色”


Demonstration video link: https://youtu.be/DHgeFKF2qBQ

Pack includes 20 robot parts (4 types of legs, torso, head, left hand, right hand) and storage boxes, which can be used in third/first person games. In the overview map I’ve placed an example character with a simple modular assembly system based on the master pose component. The pack also includes a customizable Blueprint for the storage boxes. You can easily change the type of stored robot part and the type of box. Each box static mesh and each skeletal mesh of robot part have one Material slot and use instances with different Textures of a single master Material.

Also, you might be interested in:

Robotic Modular Weapons

Modular Offroad Cars

This pack does not contain custom Animations. If you need more Animations, you should use the “Animation Starter Pack” from Epic Games or any Animation packs for the standard Epic Games character Skeleton.

演示视频链接: https://youtu.be/DHgeFKF2qBQ

包包括20个机器人零件(4种类型的腿,躯干,头部,左手,右手)和储物箱,可用于第三/第一人称游戏。 在概览图中,我放置了一个示例角色,其中包含一个基于master pose组件的简单模块化装配系统。 该包还包括存储箱的可自定义蓝图。 您可以轻松地更改存储的机器人零件的类型和盒子的类型。 机器人部件的每个箱体静态网格体和每个骨架网格体都有一个材质槽,并使用具有单个主材质不同纹理的实例。




此包不包含自定义动画。 如果您需要更多的动画,您应该使用”动画初学者包”从史诗游戏或任何动画包的标准史诗游戏角色骨架。
