
  • Any sound class can be added to any actor, instantly turning it into a sound-generator
  • Use parameters to design your sound exactly how you want it, directly inside the Editor
  • Link sound parameters to in-game events via Blueprints
  • Create complex immersive sound scene within minutes
  • Fully procedural, no space wasted on sample libraries
  • Native support for spatialization, reverb, and other post-processing effects
  • Fully integrated with Unreal Engine, no third party software needed

Code Modules:

  • NemisindoNaturePack (Runtime) 
  • NemisindoNatureEditor(Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 62 public, 6 private

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows (x64 & x32), MacOs, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows (x64 & x32), MacOs, Android, Linux, XBox One, iOS

Documentation: https://nemisindo.com/app/documentation/unreal-naturepack.html

Demo Project : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eYRazB4fn_Du6BSuTbnGNYr9BfSH9qPN/view?usp=sharing


  • 任何声音类都可以添加到任何actor中,立即将其转换为声音发生器
  • 直接在编辑器中使用参数来设计你想要的声音
  • 通过蓝图将声音参数链接到游戏内事件
  • 在几分钟内创建复杂的身临其境的声音场景
  • 完全程序化,没有浪费在样本库上的空间
  • 对空间化、混响和其他后处理效果的本机支持
  • 与虚幻引擎完全集成,无需第三方软件


  • NemisindoNaturePack(运行时) 
  • NemisindoNatureEditor(编辑)





支持的目标构建平台:Windows(x64和x32),MacOs,Android,Linux,XBox One,iOS

文件: https://nemisindo.com/app/documentation/unreal-naturepack.html


The Nature Pack features 6 fully procedural sound effects models for popular nature sounds. These models are implemented as Blueprint-Spawnable classes that can generate audio in real time, completely procedurally. This allows fine-tuning of the sound effect at the source, which results in more immersive, more interactive, and more personalised audio.

Since each sound class offers various functions to change the parameters of the sound effect at runtime, you can easily create adaptive atmospheric sounds that respond to in-game events, such as dynamic weather.

Any sound effect can be added to any element in your scene, instantly turning it into a procedural sound effect generator. You can then design your sound exactly how you want it, directly inside the editor. Our plugin supports spatialization, reverb, and all the other post-processing effects that a normal sound asset would support.

Included models: Droplets, Wind, Waves, Rain, Fire, Water

Watch the demo here: https://youtu.be/ohnBwgBqJic

About Us:

Nemisindo is an Epic Megagrant recipient. At Nemisindo, we are dedicated to delivering great sound effects and tools to all, from the professional sound designer crafting the richest, immersive scenes, to the enthusiast content creator wanting cool, fun sounds to match their creative content. Using our transformative procedural audio technology, we aim to completely remove the reliance on sample libraries for sound effects, by offering intuitive tools that can generate any sound. Our technology is more creative than simply using pre-recorded sounds that are never quite what’s wanted. We can generate sounds that have never been recorded, and they can be shaped and crafted at the point of creation, breaking through the limitations of sampled sounds.

Find out more at https://nemisindo.com/

自然包特色6 完全程序化的声音效果 流行的自然声音模型。 这些模型被实现为蓝图生成类,可以实时生成音频,完全程序化。 这允许在源处对声音效果进行微调,从而产生更身临其境、更互动和更个性化的音频。


任何声音效果都可以添加到场景中的任何元素中,立即将其转换为程序化的声音效果生成器。 然后,您可以直接在编辑器中设计您想要的声音。 我们的插件支持空间化,混响和所有其他后处理效果,一个正常的声音资产将支持。




Nemisindo是一个史诗般的Megagrant收件人。 在Nemisindo,我们致力于为所有人提供伟大的声音效果和工具,从专业的声音设计师制作最丰富的身临其境的场景,到狂热的内容创造者想要酷,有趣的声音,以配合他们的创造性内容。 使用我们的变革性程序音频技术,我们的目标是通过提供可以生成任何声音的直观工具,完全消除对声音效果样本库的依赖。 我们的技术比简单地使用预先录制的声音更有创意,而这些声音从来都不是我们想要的。 我们可以生成从未被记录过的声音,它们可以在创作的时候被塑造和制作,突破了采样声音的限制。

你可在此查阅更多资料 https://nemisindo.com/
