- Change StaticMesh Pivot Points (single or bulk)
- Change StaticMesh Scale (single or bulk)
- Change StaticMesh Rotation (single or bulk)
- Mirror StaticMeshes (single or bulk)
- Remove and Create Simple and Complex Collisions
- Copy/Paste Socket to/from Clipboard
- Sort/Delete All Sockets
- Create new meshes for negatively scaled actors
- Create new meshes for unique materials on actors meshes
- Create Spatial UV maps for pixels spatial awareness
- Create Spatial Vertex Color data
- Update Actors/Prefabs positions with change in pivot location
- Easily Duplicate and Edit StaticMeshes
- Batch Rename Actors
- Hotkey to quickly rename selected actor to StaticMesh name
- Refine Selections to criteria
Code Modules:
- rdMeshTools [Editor]
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 4
Network Replicated: N/A
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: All (plugin not needed at runtime)
Documentation: https://rdmeshtools.recourse.nz
- 更改StaticMesh枢轴点(单个或批量)
- 更改StaticMesh比例(单个或批量)
- 更改StaticMesh旋转(单个或批量)
- 镜面静态网格(单个或批量)
- 删除和创建简单和复杂的碰撞
- 复制/粘贴套接字到/从剪贴板
- 排序/删除所有套接字
- 为负缩放actor创建新网格
- 为actor网格上的独特材质创建新网格
- 为像素创建空间UV贴图空间感知
- 创建空间顶点颜色数据
- 随着枢轴位置的变化更新Actor/预制件位置
- 轻松复制和编辑静态网格
- 批量重命名Actor
- 快速将选定actor重命名为StaticMesh名称的热键
- 将选择细化为标准
- rdMeshTools[编辑]
文件: https://rdmeshtools.recourse.nz
Latest Version 1.41 – 14th November 2024
Visit rdmeshtools.recourse.nz for more information, manual and tutorials.
FAQ can be found Here.
Discord Channel: Here.
Note: Unlike most Professional versions, rdTools Pro licenses give you a license for unlimited seats within your company/studio.
rdMeshTools is an Unreal Engine plugin tool that resides in the Static Mesh Editors toolbar and in the Content Browsers Context Menu.
This tool gives you the ability to quickly and easily change any static meshes scale, rotation,mirror and pivot point. Finally here is a tool that allows you to make a standard orientation/scale for things such as doors (often oriented to random walls) in your Blueprints or code without needing options for mesh rotation, pivot etc. It can also apply the position shift to your actors and prefabs if selected in the level.
There are also tools for bulk editing of collisions, removing, adding simple and complex collisions is now only a few clicks.
Easily transfer sockets from one mesh to another with the Copy/Paste Sockets to Clipboard tool.
Spatial UV maps (and Vertex Color data) can also be created, making your materials pixels fully spatially aware in an extremely efficient way.
It works for single meshes from the editor, or any amount of selected meshes in the content browser.
This tool accesses the raw mesh data directly, and makes the changes there, so is as good as making those changes from your modelling software itself. (If you re-import your mesh, you will need to re-apply your scale/rotation/pivot.)
It is compatible with LOD based StaticMeshes and with Nanite StaticMeshes.
New to 1.30 there are 2 new tools which make preparing your meshes for instancing simple and quick. They create new meshes for StaticMesh actors in the level that either have negative scales or uniquely assigned materials. With a few clicks you can fix most issues you could potentially have with your ISM conversions.
参观 rdmeshtools.recourse.nz 有关更多信息,手册和教程。
常见问题解答可以找到 这儿。
不和谐频道: 这儿。
注意:与大多数专业版本不同,rdTools Pro许可证为您提供公司/工作室内无限席位的许可证。
此工具使您能够快速轻松地更改任何静态网格体的比例、旋转、镜像和枢轴点。 最后,这是一个工具,允许您在蓝图或代码中为诸如门(通常面向随机墙壁)之类的东西制作标准方向/比例,而无需网格旋转,枢轴等选项。 如果在关卡中选择,它还可以将位置偏移应用于actor和预制件。
该工具直接访问原始网格数据,并在那里进行更改,这与从建模软件本身进行这些更改一样好。 (如果您重新导入网格,则需要重新应用缩放/旋转/枢轴。)
新的1.30有两个新的工具,使准备您的网格实例简单和快速。 它们为关卡中的静态网格体(StaticMesh actor)创建新的网格体,这些网格体要么具有负比例,要么具有唯一分配的材质。 只需点击几下,您就可以修复ISM转换中可能出现的大多数问题。