- AHorizonSceneManager, UHorizonSceneManagerLibrary or UHorizonSceneManagerProxy to control HorizonScene with functions: ChangeSceneByClass, PushSceneByClass and PopScene.
- AHorizonTutorialSystem: Use this system with AHorizonSceneManager to create step by step task for player.
Code Modules:
- HorizonFramework(Runtime)
- HorizonFrameworkEditor(Editor)
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 16
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: All Platforms
Documentation: https://github.com/dorgonman/HorizonFrameworkDemo
Example Project: https://github.com/dorgonman/HorizonFrameworkDemo
Important/Additional Notes:
- AHorizonSceneManager,UHorizonSceneManagerLibrary或UHorizonSceneManagerProxy控制HorizonScene的功能:ChangeSceneByClass,PushSceneByClass和PopScene。
- AHorizonTutorialSystem:将此系统与AHorizonSceneManager一起使用,为玩家创建一步一步的任务。
- HorizonFramework(运行时)
- HorizonFrameworkEditor(编辑)
文件: https://github.com/dorgonman/HorizonFrameworkDemo
示例项目: https://github.com/dorgonman/HorizonFrameworkDemo
Demo Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ3oFkdn2Pg&feature=youtu.be
DemoVideo VR Mode: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht13VKmJyX8&feature=youtu.be
Demo Project: github.com/dorgonman/HorizonFrameworkDemo (Follow install note in github, you will be able to download editor build from nuget, so you don’t need to pay for trying this plugin.)
High Level design idea (Explained in Chinese): https://dorgon.horizon-studio.net/zh/archives/1705
Horizon Framework plugin is based on a high level design idea that aims to simplify the UMG management process and reduce the coupling between widgets and game logic. One of the main features of Horizon Framework plugin is that it supports stack operations for managing your UMG scenes, such as PushScene, PopScene, ChangeScene and ReplaceScene. These operations enable you to switch between different UMG scenes with ease and flexibility.
Each scene has its own life cycle and delegates that you can bind to implement your own gameplay logic.
One of the advantages of using HorizonScene is that it supports both 2D and 3D UIs, as well as VR mode, with minimal code changes. You can attach a widget component to the scene actor and display the widget in 3D space. You can also use the same widget blueprint for VR mode, where it will be displayed as a floating dialogue box.
Horizon Framework also supports multiple scene managers with different names, so you can have different stacks for different purposes. For example, you can have one scene manager for game UI and another one for popup UI.
Horizon Framework is a powerful and versatile UI management plugin that can help you create better user interfaces and game logic in Unreal Engine.
演示视频: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ3oFkdn2Pg&feature=youtu.be
DemoVideo VR模式: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht13VKmJyX8&feature=youtu.be
示范项目: github.com/dorgonman/HorizonFrameworkDemo (按照github中的install note,您将能够从nuget下载editor build,因此您无需为尝试此插件付费。)
Horizon Framework插件基于一个高层次的设计思想,旨在简化UMG管理流程,减少小部件和游戏逻辑之间的耦合。 Horizon Framework插件的主要功能之一是它支持用于管理UMG场景的堆栈操作,例如PushScene、PopScene、ChangeScene和ReplaceScene。 这些操作使您能够轻松灵活地在不同的UMG场景之间切换。
使用HorizonScene的优点之一是它支持2D和3D Ui以及VR模式,只需最少的代码更改。 您可以将小部件组件附加到场景actor并在3D空间中显示小部件。 您还可以将相同的控件蓝图用于VR模式,其中它将显示为浮动对话框。
Horizon Framework还支持具有不同名称的多个场景管理器,因此您可以有不同的堆栈用于不同的目的。 例如,您可以有一个场景管理器用于游戏UI,另一个用于弹出UI。
Horizon Framework是一款功能强大、用途广泛的UI管理插件,可以帮助您在虚幻引擎中创建更好的用户界面和游戏逻辑。