Wasteland Rocks is a rock pack that contains 12 starter meshes with 2 different texture sets that are represented on a desert landscape and is intended to fill your levels with unique and good looking rocks.


Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size: 1024×1024 and 2048×2048 sets
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
Vertex Count:
LODs: 3 to 4 LoD per asset
Number of Meshes: 12 Rock – 1 Landscape
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 5 Material functions – 3 Master materials – 31 Material instances
Number of Textures: 44 Including masks too.
Intended Platform: PC/Console
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: No


Use a variety of rocks to form your levels and give them natural look. These rocks are textured using Object Radius so no matter if you scale a small rock 10 times bigger or scale down a big rock 10 times smaller, texture density stays the same all over the rocks without any loss of quality. Each rock comes with a variety of material parameters you can easily change the entire look of it through the instanced materials. Change the hues, tiling, detail tilings, and much more properties within a few seconds. Also each mesh comes with 3 to 4 efficient LoDs to ensure your performance consistency across the levels. You might enjoy the free included desert landscape a lot, but you will enjoy the bonus drops that get added to the package too. For that, be sure to check out the Forum Thread!

使用各种岩石形成你的水平,并给他们自然的外观。 这些岩石使用物体半径进行纹理化,因此无论您将小岩石缩放10倍或将大岩石缩小10倍,纹理密度在岩石上保持不变,而不会造成任何质量损失。 每块岩石都带有各种材质参数,您可以通过实例化材质轻松改变其整体外观。 在几秒钟内更改色调,平铺,细节倾斜和更多属性。 此外,每个网格都配有3到4个高效Lod,以确保您在各个级别的性能一致性。 您可能会享受免费的沙漠景观很多,但您将享受奖金下降得到添加到包。 为此,请务必查看 论坛主题!
