• 646 Static Meshes
• Most materials have: a base color, normal, and an ORM/ ORMH packed texture (R-Occlusion, B-Roughness, G-Metallic, A-Height).
• 10 master materials (very easy to customize), 337 material instances, and 3 Material Parameter Collections.
• Presentation scene and the showcase scene are included.
• 5 Niagara System (Flies, Steam, and Smoke)
• 1 Sound Cue for Traffic Sound and 3 Sound Waves
• 333 Textures – sizes from 256×256 to 4096×4096 (most of them 2k or 4k with LOD bias enabled).
• 11 blueprints: Moulding, Procedural Roof/Floor, Spline Cable, Spline Road Line, Traffic Light, Building Modular Piece Selector, Procedural Polygons, Door, Fence, Lighting Presets, Showcase Blueprint.
Collision: Yes.
This product supports Lumen and Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.1+
This pack uses the “Geometry Script ” Plugin – You can enable it from Edit/Plugins/Geometry – “Geometry Script”, then you should restart the editor.
Support Email: support@polyspherestudio.com
Documentation: British City Pack – Documentation
Presentation Video: [UE5] Cinematic * British City Pack
Feature Highlights: [UE5] British City Pack * Feature Highlights
This pack contains a lot of high-quality realistic assets to build a beautiful and immersive British cityscape, including detailed buildings, props, roads, sidewalks, and more. With this pack, will be able to save hours of work, allowing you to focus on other more important aspects of your project.
The pack has a variety of useful blueprints for a wide range of applications. The blueprints are designed to help you rapidly develop your projects with minimal effort.
All objects are inspired by real-life, and correctly scaled and we paid attention to the smallest details for each object from the pack. It is a great package for a realistic level/environment/game.
Size Content Project ~4.5GB
Thank you so much for buying the product! We’d like to invite you to rate or leave a review on the page of the pack. It will take one minute and it will help us a lot!
This product supports Lumen and Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.1+
The setting is inspired by London – UK
Support Email and other feedback/suggestions for future updates: support@polyspherestudio.com
Required * Plugin Geometry Script enabled. Edit – Plugins – Geometry. This is necessary for the Roof blueprint and Polygon Blueprint. You should enable it from Edit/Plugins/Geometry – “Geometry Script”, then restart the editor.
Required * You should enable DirectX 12. Edit – Project Settings – Platforms – Windows – Default RHI * set to DirectX 12
Enable Generate Mesh Distance Fields (it could be enabled as default)
Required * You should Enable Nanite (it could be enabled as default)
Recommended * Set Lumen for Dynamic Global Illumination Method and Reflection Method”.
文件: 英国城市包-文件
演示视频: [UE5]电影*英国城市包
功能亮点: [UE5]英国城市包*特色亮点
这个包包含大量高质量的现实资产,以建立一个美丽和身临其境的英国城市景观,包括详细的建筑物,道具,道路,人行道等等。 有了这个包,将能够节省数小时的工作,让您专注于项目的其他更重要的方面。
该包有各种有用的蓝图,适用于广泛的应用。 蓝图旨在帮助您以最小的努力快速开发项目。
所有的物体都受到现实生活的启发,并且正确地缩放,我们注意了包装中每个物体的最小细节。 这是一个现实的水平/环境/游戏一个伟大的包。
感谢您购买该产品! 我们想邀请您在包装的页面上评分或留下评论。 这将需要一分钟,它会帮助我们很多!
需要 * 插件几何脚本启用。 编辑-插件-几何。 这对于屋顶蓝图和多边形蓝图是必要的。 您应该从Edit/Plugins/Geometry-“Geometry Script”启用它,然后重新启动编辑器。
必需*您应该启用DirectX12。 编辑-项目设置-平台-Windows-默认RHI*设置为DirectX12
推荐使用 * 置流明用于动态全局照明方法和反射方法”。