
  •  2 levels – 1 x in daylight, 1 x in a dark studio.
  •  251 country static meshes – 1 for each country.
  •  Animated water texture.

Number of Unique Meshes: 1033 (approximately 250 of these are deprecated [old 8k only meshes] and will be removed)

Collision: Yes – automatically generated

Vertex Count: ~5,400,000

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 7 Materials, 23 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 22

Texture Resolutions:

  • 8192 x 8192 (planet surface)
  • 8192 x 7680 (water)
  • 4096 x 4096 (globe stand)
  • 2048 x 2048 (globe stand bases]

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64bit

Want to chat about it? Join our Discord!


  •  2级-1x在日光下,1x在黑暗的工作室。
  •  251个国家静态网格-每个国家1个。
  •  动画水纹理。








  • 8192×8192(行星表面)
  • 8192×7680(水)
  • 4096×4096(环球看台)
  • 2048×2048(环球看台基地)


想聊聊吗? 加入我们的不和!

Earth Globe

🎉UPDATE 2024-07-26: Country border meshes and country label meshes added!

🎉UPDATE 2024-07-03: Upgraded to 16k textures and country colors!

📷Usage Video

Historical Questions and Reviews (pre-FAB). Have more questions? Please feel free to ask questions in our Discord.

The Earth Globe is for those that want to create games and tell stories about the world, while easily highlighting countries. Built with 250 + meshes, 1 for each country, it’s designed to easily have the look of each of nation highlighted, outlined, colored flat and more. There are two scenes; one set with Epic’s atmospheric lighting system, allowing dynamic lighting and shading adjustments based on the sun angle, turning the city lights on and off depending on the directional sun light visibility. The second in a dark studio setting, intended for stylistic lighting and presentation scenarios.

If you like it, please leave a review! Good reviews motivate us to improve the project. If you have suggestions for improvements or questions, please email us. Thank you!

⭐3 good reviews → We’ll create latitude and longitude meshes!

Want to chat about it? Join our Discord!

EDIT: 2023-12-18 – Please note, this project does not contain Blueprint/C++ functionality. The adjustments stated below are done through material parameters on material instances. If you would like countries/states/provinces to change color at runtime with interaction you will need to implement the logic/functionality.

EDIT: 2024-05-11 – Please note, this project has the detail shown in the images – zooming in further will cause it to break down and appear with artifacts/low quality. If you need a higher resolution option you may want to look at Giga Earth.

Surface Color

  • Adjustable land color

  • Adjustable water color

  • Adjustable normal map intensity

  • 16,384 x 16,384 texture [Virtual Texture]

Country Borders

  • Adjustable intensity

  • Adjustable color

  • 16,384 x 16,384 texture [Virtual Texture]

Internal Borders (state and province)

  • Adjustable intensity

  • Adjustable color

  • 16,384 x 16,384 texture [Virtual Texture]

Night Lights

  • Adjustable intensity

  • Adjustable color

  • 16,384 x 16,384 texture [Virtual Texture]


This project is ~1.2 GB in size.

  • This project requires viritual textures to use the 16k textures. Turn VT on in Project Settings -> search for ‘Enable virtual texture support’ and set it to true/on.

  • This project does not include heightmaps or mesh-based terrain height features.

  • Please press play and then stop in the editor to execute the recommended console variables.

Update log:

v0.8.0 released (2024-07-25)

  • Added static country border meshes

  • Added static label meshes for country names [local pivots]

v0.7.0 released (2024-07-03)

  • 16 k textures added (Virtual Textures)

  • Simple material parameters added to globe holder (hue shift, desaturate)

  • Added graph colors for each country using vertex color

v0.6.0 released (2024-05-10)

  • Globe stand added

v0.5.0 released (2023-07-24)

  • Earth Globe released!


If you are unsure if this product is right for you, please ask any questions before purchasing, so we can help.





历史问题和评论(PRE-FAB)。 还有问题吗? 请随时在 我们的不和.

地球仪是为那些想要创造游戏和讲述世界故事,同时容易突出国家的人准备的。 它有250多个网格,每个国家1个,它的设计很容易让每个国家的外观突出,概述,彩色平面和更多。 有两个场景;一个场景是史诗的大气照明系统,允许动态照明和阴影调整基于太阳角度,打开和关闭城市灯取决于方向太阳光能见度。 第二个在黑暗的工作室设置,用于风格照明和演示场景。

如果你喜欢它,请留下评论! 好评激励我们改进项目。 如果您有改进建议或问题,请给我们发电子邮件。 谢谢!


想聊聊吗? 加入我们的不和!

编辑:2023-12-18-请注意,此项目不包含蓝图/C++功能。 下面所述的调整是通过材质实例上的材质参数完成的。 如果您希望国家/州/省在运行时通过交互更改颜色,则需要实现逻辑/功能。

编辑:2024-05-11-请注意,这个项目有图像中显示的细节-进一步放大会导致它分解并出现伪像/低质量。 如果您需要更高分辨率的选项,您可能需要查看Giga Earth。


  • 可调整土地颜色

  • 可调水色

  • 可调节法线贴图强度

  • 16,384×16,384纹理[虚拟纹理]


  • 可调节强度

  • 可调颜色

  • 16,384×16,384纹理[虚拟纹理]


  • 可调节强度

  • 可调颜色

  • 16,384×16,384纹理[虚拟纹理]


  • 可调节强度

  • 可调颜色

  • 16,384×16,384纹理[虚拟纹理]



  • 这个项目 需要viritual纹理才能使用16k纹理。 打开VT 项目设置-> 搜寻 “启用虚拟纹理支持” 并将其设置为true/.

  • 此项目不包括高度图或基于网格的地形高度要素。

  • 请按播放,然后在编辑器中停止以执行推荐的控制台变量。



  • 添加静态国家边界网格

  • 为国家名称添加静态标签网格[本地枢轴]


  • 添加16k纹理(虚拟纹理)

  • 添加到globe holder的简单材料参数(色相偏移,去饱和)

  • 使用顶点颜色为每个国家添加图形颜色


  • 全球立场补充


  • 地球仪发布!


