1 Environment

23 Textures (4K)

1 Materials

1 Material Instance





**Please note that as of Unreal Engine 5 Tessellation is no longer supported in the material system so tessellated displacement will only work in Unreal 4 versions of the engine**

A Tessellated Displacement material designed specifically for use with Landscape Actors which allows you to blend between 10 layers (texture sets), the material also allows you to adjust parameters for each layer individually via instanced values. The setup of this material fixes the issues caused by using a standard tessellation material on a Landscape Actor and allows you to control LOD of the tessellation without interfering with the Landscape Actor’s own LOD. The material also includes detail texture support (Diffuse and Normal) as well as view distance based surface variation to break up tiling at distance but retain surface quality close to view.

Feature Update Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbfvj8S2CMs


Tessellated Displacement材质专为与地形Actor配合使用而设计,允许您在10个图层(纹理集)之间混合,该材质还允许您通过实例化值单独调整每个图层的参数。 此材质的设置修复了在地形Actor上使用标准曲面细分材质所导致的问题,并允许您控制曲面细分的LOD,而不会干扰地形Actor自己的LOD。 材质还包括细节纹理支持(漫反射和法线)以及基于视图距离的表面变化,以打破远处的平铺,但保持接近视图的表面质量。

