Number of Materials: 1

Number of Material Instances: 8

Number of Textures: 32

Texture Resolutions:

  • 4096×4096

Supported Development Platforms:

  • Windows: Yes
  • Mac: Yes


To ask any question, report bugs, request features or anything else, please reach us via:

材料数量: 1

材质实例数: 8

纹理数量: 32


  • 4096×4096的


  • Windows:是的
  • Mac:是的



Create High Quality buildings and walls within minutes!

Includes a fully detailed pack of materials that allows you to create a realistic environment thanks to the 4K tileable textures included on this pack.

The master material includes parameters, such as brightness, contrast and tint, that allows you to customize the color of each material so it can match your own environment with no effort. This master material also includes a parameterized Parallax Occlusion Mapping node, so you can add depth to the material.


  • A high quality optimized Master Material based on Parallax Mapping, and fully customizable.
  • 8 material instances.
  • 32 different 4K textures.
  • 2 overview maps with different lighting.

创建 高品质的建筑物和墙壁 几分钟之内!

包括一个完整详细的 资料 这可以让你创造一个现实的环境,这要归功于 4k可倾斜纹理 包括在这个包里。

主材料 包括 参数,如亮度,对比度和色调,允许您自定义每种材料的颜色,以便它可以 不费吹灰之力地匹配你自己的环境。 此主材料还包括一个参数化 视差遮挡映射节点,所以你可以添加深度的材料。


  • 高品质优化 主材料 基于视差映射,并完全可定制。
  • 8个材料实例。
  • 32 不同的 4k纹理。
  • 2概览地图 用不同的照明。