A project template implementing a Mecha character/controller and its turrets, which you can configure freely.
(01-30-18) : Possess/unpossess the mech at runtime !
(12-28-17) : FPS and a TPS mode, basic gamepad inputs.
(11-20-17) : You can use mechs made of separate meshes, like the ones in Salva’s Assets.
- Mechs, which handles the rotation of its upper body to look at targets
- Mecha controller, which allows a player to possess a Mecha character
- Turrets for the mechs
- A basic but modular damage and targeting system
- Everything is modular. You can add your own mecha models and turret models (see the tutorial videos)
- Contains the following meshes : two low poly mechas, two low turrets, one missile. One mecha and one turret from Salva’s 3D models.
Number of Blueprints: 24
Input: Keyboard and mouse, gamepad
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC
Important/Additional Notes:
- The assets under Content/Mech_Constructore_Lt_Med are samples from Salva’s assets. He allowed me to redistribut them as examples. Check out his assets for more 3D Models.
(11-20-17):你可以使用由单独的网格组成的机械,比如 萨尔瓦的资产.
- 机甲,它处理上半身的旋转以观察目标
- 机甲控制器,允许玩家拥有机甲角色
- 机甲炮塔
- 一个基本的,但 模块化伤害和瞄准系统
- 一切都是 模块化。 您可以添加自己的机甲模型和炮塔模型(请参阅教程视频)
- 包含以下网格:两个低聚机甲,两个低炮塔,一个导弹。 一个机甲和一个炮塔从萨尔瓦的3D模型。
蓝图数目: 24
- Content/Mech_Constructore_Lt_Med下的资产是Salva资产的样本。 他允许我将它们重新作为例子。 查看他的资产以获取更多3D模型.
->->-> Play the Demo in your web browser ! <-<-<-
Watch the asset presentation video, the documentation and the other videos.
This project is a project template for implementing games with mechs which can rotate their upper body separately from their lower body to face their target, and which can be equipped with turrets.
You can find in this project an implementation for turrets which throw projectiles, and turrets which perform a line trace to check targets.
->->-> 在您的web浏览器中播放演示! <-<-<-
这个项目是一个用于实现的项目模板 机甲游戏 其可以将它们的上半身与它们的下半身分开旋转以面对它们的目标,并且其可以配备 炮塔.
你可以在这个项目中找到一个实现 炮塔 投掷弹丸,以及执行线跟踪以检查目标的炮塔。