This system provides: 3 Styles, each style has multiple sections, Ground, Mezzanine, Trim, Window, Roof. Each has its own variation. Some more than others.4 Window styles are provided. Each style has variations ( up to 8 )6 pattern profiles are provided. They are used interchangeably with all style. Each facade creates even more variation by using these pattern as ‘skins’ to the original building facade.As with all of AmmoboxStudios’s system as well. Performance is a high consideration as we are using this for our internal development as well.Here are some optimizations: ( remember that when it comes to optimization , less means more ) 1) All windows are instanced per style, per entire row. 2) Each Facade style is represented by a 1 ( Single ) material iD only. If entire row uses a single style this means it’s only using a single ‘set’ of textures. 3) All Window style used one set of texture. Variation is panned using Per-Instance Data. 4) All styles are equipped with LOD for the individual section meshes. 5) Pattern profile uses 2048 sets that is shared across all style.
该系统提供:3种风格,每种风格都有多个部分,地面,夹层,装饰,窗户,屋顶。 每个都有自己的变化。 有些人比其他人多。提供4种窗口样式。 每个样式都有变化(最多8个)提供6个模式配置文件。 它们可以与所有样式互换使用。 每个立面都通过使用这些图案作为原始建筑的”外观”来创造更多的变化facade.As 与所有AmmoboxStudios的系统,以及. 性能是一个很高的考虑因素,因为我们也将其用于我们的内部开发。以下是一些优化:(请记住,当涉及到优化时,less意味着更多)1)所有窗口都按样式,每整行实例化。 2)每个立面样式仅由1(单个)材料iD表示。 如果整行使用单一样式,这意味着它只使用一组纹理。 3)所有窗口样式使用一组纹理。 使用每个实例数据对变异进行平移。 4)所有样式都为单个截面网格配备了LOD。 5)模式配置文件使用2048个集合,在所有样式中共享。
The latest system from AmmoboxStudios’ Procedural Pack brings you Procedural Building Lot. You can now generate entire row of highly-detailed building with just a few clicks. Using our heavily customizable style-based system. You can create, extend , edit your own styles. Three initial styles are provided ( more for future updates ). Building is tuned towards FPS/TPS level of quality in terms of details. The core of this product is to create a system can could easily be customized to add your own content.
Building not only generate facade , but windows , and roofs are sensibly generated as well. Providing a wholesome generation of a commercial building.
As with all our systems. It is created with usability in mind. A large variety of switches and parameters are exposed to allow a highly data-driven generation.
Here are some examples:
-Each Actor has property that allows you to key in allowed styles / pattern.
-Enter chance for trims/mezzanine to be generated.
-Customize how many additional lots per facade would be generated.
-Easily Enable/Disable static lighting with a single switch. You can even customize for building or window or both.
Need to customize height?
No problem ! you can see min/max height, system will decide how many floors that will be.
Need to customize how long the building stretch to the back ( depth ) ?
Set the depth and amount of percentage variation for each lot.
来自AmmoboxStudios的程序包的最新系统为您带来程序化建筑地段。 您现在只需点击几下即可生成整排高度详细的建筑。 使用我们高度可定制的基于样式的系统。 您可以创建,扩展,编辑自己的样式。 提供了三种初始样式(更多用于未来更新)。 建筑在细节方面被调整到FPS/TPS的质量水平。 该产品的核心是创建一个系统,可以很容易地定制添加您自己的内容。
建筑不仅产生立面,而且窗户和屋顶也是合理产生的。 提供一个健康的一代商业建筑.
和我们所有的系统一样。 它是在考虑可用性的情况下创建的。 大量的开关和参数被公开,以允许高度数据驱动的生成。
-只需一个开关即可轻松启用/禁用静态照明。 您甚至可以自定义构建或窗口或两者。
没问题! 你可以看到最小/最大高度,系统将决定将有多少层。