Large modular set, 499 elements



  •  Modular
  •  PBR
  •  499 elements

Number of Unique Meshes: 499

Collision: No

Vertex Count: 142318

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 MM/ 16 MI

Number of Textures: 62

Texture Resolutions: 4096


  •  模块化设计
  •  PBR
  •  499元素








Hi, friend. Here’s a modular set of fantasy weapons, which I named as unholy. It contains: Swords, Axes, Maces (one-handed and two-handed); Daggers; Brass knuckles; Spears; Staves (magic!!!); Sceptres; Shooting Bows and Shields of three types – buckler, medium (regular size), Giant (tower). Each type has three versions, for example, a sword has a blade, a guard, a handle and a pommel, all in three (minimum) variants (A, B, C), use it as a designer, and no one interferes with connecting different parts of different types of weapons . And also there are different options for auras for almost every part of the weapon, also in several versions. PBR textures have a glow map, there is a setting for the brightness of the glow and its color. There are two master materials in the set. one for objects and one for effects. There are 499 elements in total, and 102 items already assembled. The archery bow has an animation: Stretching the bowstring, lowering the bowstring and full animation of the shot. The total number of vertices is 142318, the total number of triangles is 262517. Texture resolution is 4096×4096.

嗨,朋友。 这是一套模块化的幻想武器,我命名为邪恶。 它包含:剑,斧头,斧头(单手和双手);匕首;黄铜指关节;长矛;棍棒(魔术!!!);权杖;射击弓和三种类型的盾牌-屈曲,中等(常规尺寸),巨人(塔)。 每种类型都有三个版本,例如,一把剑有一个刀片,一个守卫,一个手柄和一个鞍,都有三个(最小)变体(A,B,C),将其用作设计师,没有人干涉连接不同类型武器的 而且武器的几乎每个部分都有不同的光环选择,也有几个版本。 PBR纹理有一个辉光贴图,有一个辉光的亮度和它的颜色的设置。 套装中有两种主材料。 一个用于对象,一个用于效果。 总共有499个元素,102个项目已经组装。 射箭弓有一个动画:拉伸弓弦,降低弓弦和射击的完整动画。 顶点总数为142318,三角形总数为262517。 纹理分辨率为4096×4096。
