FREE OWN 材质 Rocks Vol.15 – Hand Painted Texture Pack 岩石卷15手绘纹理包 Designed for all platforms 5 Materials 5... 2 周前 0 0 1 0
FREE OWN 材质 34+ Hand Painted Stylized Materials 34手绘程式化材料 Features: Cement Metal Panel +1 Variatio... 2 周前 0 0 1 0
FREE OWN 材质 Aerial Survey HDR Collection vol.1 航测HDR收集第一卷 Features: Aerial survey Texture Resolut... 2 周前 0 0 2 0
FREE OWN 材质 Ground Vol.45 – Hand Painted Textures 地面第45卷手绘纹理 Designed for all platforms 5 Materials 5... 2 周前 0 0 2 0
FREE OWN 材质 Ground Vol.46 – Hand Painted Textures 地面第46卷手绘纹理 Designed for all platforms 8 Materials 8... 2 周前 0 0 2 0
FREE OWN 材质 300+ Hand Painted Textures – Mega Bundle 1 300手绘纹理Mega Bundle1 Designed for all platforms 336 Materials... 2 周前 0 0 4 0
FREE OWN 材质 Photorealistic Leaves / Foliage Pack 4K 照片般逼真的树叶包装4k Categories: Textures Physically-Based Re... 2 周前 0 0 1 0
GROUP OWN 材质 Dissolve Mask Material Pack 溶解面膜材料包 Features: 29+ Dissolve Mask Examples... 2 周前 0 0 4 362
PAY OWN 材质 Decals of Stains Cracks and Plaster for Walls and Floors Vol. 3 墙壁和地板的污渍、裂缝和石膏贴花第3卷 Features: 2k to 4k Textures PBR Decals E... 2 周前 0 0 1 72
PAY OWN 材质 Interior Cubemaps – Eco Offices 室内立方体生态办公室 Features: Creates interiors with one pla... 2 周前 0 0 2 290
VIP OWN 材质 Stylized Barrier Shader 程式化屏障着色器 Number of Unique Materials and Material ... 2 周前 0 0 5 72
VIP OWN 材质 300+ Ultimate PBR Materials Pack 300终极PBR材料包 The first release has 300+ PBR Materials... 2 周前 0 0 1 145
PAY OWN 材质 60 Futuristic Screen Material with Screen Props Pack / AI SOURCE 60未来派屏幕材料与屏幕道具包AI源 Features: AI SOURCE FILES 4K... 2 周前 0 0 1 290
VIP OWN 材质 Stylized Ice Material Pack 风格化的冰材料包 Features: 7 Different Unique Textures 7 ... 2 周前 0 0 1 65
PAY OWN 材质 Techn Style UI Materials 技术风格的UI材料 30+ Materials with Shader Base Effects 3... 2 周前 0 0 1 290
PAY OWN 材质 4 IN 1 Advanced Screen Material Bundle + Interactive Materials / AI SOURCES 4合1高级屏幕材料捆绑互动材料AI源 Features: 10+ interactive Widged M... 2 周前 0 0 1 253
PAY OWN 材质 Galaxy Materials (+Skybox) 银河材料天空盒 Features: (Please include a full, compre... 2 周前 0 0 1 181
PAY OWN 材质 Iridescent Materials (Pearlescent, Bubbles, Metal, Vehicle / Car Paint, Shader) 虹彩材料珠光气泡金属汽车油漆着色器 Features: Iridescence material functions... 2 周前 0 0 2 109
VIP OWN 材质 Paintable 4k Photo Real PBR Landscape Materials 可绘画的4K照片真实PBR景观材料 7 PBR Photo realistic Materials blueprin... 2 周前 0 0 1 51
PAY OWN 材质 Waterstamp – Water Decals Waterstamp水贴花 Features: Translucent Decal Mapping Func... 2 周前 0 0 1 145
PAY OWN 材质 Post Process Hand Draw Outline 后期处理手绘轮廓 Number of Unique Materials and Material ... 2 周前 0 0 1 145