This VR component can realistically animate a full body humanoid mesh using only your HMD and controllers.
- VR Based Animation Variables
- Seated & Standing modes example
- Height Calibration
- Arm length Calibration
- Custom Crouching For Seated Play Example
- Works with MetaHumans
- Basic Collision Examples
- Easily Integrates with Existing Actors
- Runtime Mesh Swapping w Auto Recalibration
Number of Blueprints: 3
Input: Configured out of box for Oculus, Index, HTC Vive, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.
Network Replicated: Not natively, but has been achieved via the VR Expansion plugin.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Build Platforms: Windows, Android
Important/Additional Notes:
- This system is authored to the UE5 Mannequin. Skeletal Meshes should be weighted and proportioned similar to it for good estimation.
- Replication is possible through the VR Expansion plugin. I do not plan on adding native replication soon.
- 基于VR的动画变量
- 坐姿和站立模式示例
- 高度校正
- 手臂长度校正
- 自定义蹲坐游戏示例
- 与MetaHumans合作
- 基本碰撞示例
- 轻松与现有Actor集成
- 运行时网格交换W自动重新校准
输入:为Oculus,Index,HTC Vive和Windows混合现实耳机配置开箱即用。
- 该系统是为UE5人体模型编写的。 骨架网格体的加权和比例应与之相似,以便进行良好的估计。
- 通过VR扩展插件可以进行复制。 我不打算很快添加本机复制。
Quick Start / Integration Tutorial
VRE Integration *Old but Working*
Video tutorials coming soon! The update invalidated my existing ones.
This product provides a stable, realistic full body estimation system that doesn’t get in the player’s way and has minimal impact on performance. It uses your velocity and a lot of carefully thought out linear math (not neural net based) to dynamically control the skeletal mesh, adjust pole vectors, and keep the player immersed by giving them a body that moves naturally and precisely. NO custom nodes, only existing blueprint features so that you’re in complete control of your project.
It runs off of an easy to integrate component and uses existing animation workflows, allowing for traditional animation to be plugged in for the lower body. Supports height & arm length calibration to give the player a proportionally accurate body.
Runtime mesh swapping is supported with automatic saved recalibration!
Made ONLY for the UE5 Skeleton. It works great with the Mannequin, Metahumans, and other similarly rigged meshes. It will NOT work properly with the UE4 skeleton. For easily rigging your mesh to the UE5 skeleton I’d suggest the Game Rig Tools Blender Addon.
Don’t Hesitate to Reach out for Support & Give Feedback!
This product is actively being supported and updated. Your feedback is what makes it better!
I am available for work!
Discord: jakeplayable
Discord Server (VR Body Channel ONLY Please)
视频教程即将推出! 更新使我现有的无效。
该产品提供了一个稳定,逼真的全身估计系统,不会妨碍玩家的方式,对性能的影响最小。 它使用你的速度和大量精心设计的线性数学(不是基于神经网络的)来动态控制骨架网格体,调整极点矢量,并通过给玩家一个自然而精确地移动的身体来保持玩家的沉浸感。 没有自定义节点,只有现有的蓝图特性,这样你就可以完全控制你的项目了。
它运行了一个易于集成的组件,并使用现有的动画工作流程,允许传统的动画插入下半身。 支持高度和手臂长度校准,给玩家一个比例准确的身体.
只为UE5骨架制作。 它适用于人体模型,元人类和其他类似的操纵网格。 它将无法与UE4骨架正常工作。 为了轻松地将网格绑定到UE5骨架,我建议使用Game Rig Tools Blender插件。
本产品正在积极支持和更新。 您的反馈是什么使它更好!
不和谐服务器 (VR身体通道只请)