Code Modules:

  •  BlobSerialization (Runtime)
  •  BlobSerializationEditor (Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 13 Tutorial and Helper Blueprints

Number of C++ Classes: 4 Public Classes and Structs, New Blueprint Nodes associated

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All

Code Documentation: see, Blob.h, BlobFunctionLibrary.h, Serialization.h, NetSerialization.h, TextSerialization.h, usage examples in BlobSerializationTests.cpp.

Blueprint Documentation: see BlobTutorialMap and BP_BlobTurorial


  •  BlobSerialization(运行时)
  •  BlobSerializationEditor(编辑)








BlobSerialization is a powerful utility plugin that allows you to create a BLOB blueprint variable that can contain anything! This is a form of polymorphism that adds much-needed flexibility to blueprints. Where you had to create a UObject before to contain different types of data, you can now use a Blob! This will allow you to build more powerful and reusable systems which can manipulate different types of data.

BLOB stands for Binary Large Object. Using binary serialization, blobs can be written with any type of data and the data can be retrieved later when reading. Blobs are not a replacement for UObject polymorphism, but a different approach, with its pros and cons. Blobs are safe to pass in the network when using the Net behavior, this means they can be used as a replicated variable or a parameter in a RPC for you to create your own network protocols.

BlobSerialization also adds a series of code utilities designed to make serialization of Unreal objects easy and safe for typical use cases, including serializing for debugging, serializing to an external storage such as a database, or serializing over the network. This allows you to read and write UObjects, UStructs, or any arbitrary data, and convert them in any format you desire. These are advanced programming features that require a good understanding of Unreal’s Object System.


  • Blobs can contain any blueprint Struct or UObject
  • Blobs have several predefined serialization behaviors to choose from (including for persistent storage, SaveGame, Binary or Network)
  • Typed Blobs contain type information to allow polymorphic logic
  • UObjects can be fully serialized with type information for fully polymorphic UObject serialization
  • Write UObjects and structs to Json string
  • Write UObjects and structs in text or binary form to files
  • Blobs can be used from code more freely using FBlobWriter and FBlobReader, to serialize arbitrary data
  • Blobs are safe to pass in the network as replicated variables or RPC parameters
  • Blueprint functionality is extended with more structs and function libraries
  • Tutorial blueprints, code examples, and unit tests are included in the plugin

BlobSerialization是一个功能强大的实用程序插件,允许您创建一个可以包含任何内容的BLOB蓝图变量! 这是一种多态性形式,为蓝图增加了急需的灵活性。 在您之前必须创建一个UObject来包含不同类型的数据的地方,您现在可以使用Blob! 这将允许您构建更强大和可重用的系统,这些系统可以操作不同类型的数据。

BLOB代表 二进制大对象. 使用二进制序列化,blob可以用任何类型的数据写入,并且可以稍后在读取时检索数据。 Blob不是UObject多态性的替代品,而是一种不同的方法,其优点和缺点。 Blob在使用网络行为时可以安全地在网络中传递,这意味着它们可以用作RPC中的复制变量或参数,以便您创建自己的网络协议。

BlobSerialization还添加了一系列代码实用程序,旨在使虚幻对象的序列化在典型用例中变得简单且安全,包括用于调试的序列化、序列化到外部存储(如数据库)或通过网 这允许您读取和写入Uobject,UStructs或任何任意数据,并将它们转换为您想要的任何格式。 这些是高级编程功能,需要对虚幻的对象系统有很好的了解。


  • Blob可以包含任何蓝图结构或UObject
  • Blob有几种预定义的序列化行为可供选择(包括持久存储、SaveGame、二进制或网络)
  • 类型化Blob包含类型信息以允许多态逻辑
  • Uobject可以使用类型信息进行完全序列化,以实现完全多态UObject序列化
  • 将UObjects和structs写入Json字符串
  • 将文本或二进制形式的Uobject和结构写入文件
  • Blob可以更自由地使用fblobwriter和FBlobReader从代码中使用,以序列化任意数据
  • Blob可以安全地作为复制变量或RPC参数传入网络
  • 蓝图功能通过更多结构和函数库进行扩展
  • 插件中包含教程蓝图、代码示例和单元测试