
  • Over 460+ post apocalyptic themed models
  • Vehicle blueprints with driving options and openable doors
  • Premade buildings with interiors and furniture
  • Spline blueprints for faster level creation
  • Blueprints for scattering debris
  • Advanced materials with multiple detailed layers
  • Nature assets like trees, grass, ferns and rocks
  • 4 layer landscape material with distance based blending, macro details and virtual texturing support
  • 4,2 square kilometer example level with dynamic lighting and rainy weather option
  • Environment controller for controlling wetness and weather
  • Library of high quality tiling textures
  • Example player with first and third person modes
  • Built in collision, LODs and Nanite support

Number of Unique Meshes: 468

Collision: Yes, automatically and manually generated

Vertex Count:

LODs: Yes, 3-4 depending on asset

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 214

Number of Textures: 492

Texture Resolutions:

  • 4K (61)
  • 2K (260)
  • 1K (141)
  • 512 (7)
  • 256 (23)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: Documentation, Showcase video, Support Discord Server

Important/Additional Notes: Choose “Don´t Import” when launching project. Pack contains some source files for those who like to edit them and importing can reset some settings.


  • 超过460+后世界末日主题模型
  • 带有驾驶选项和可打开车门的车辆蓝图
  • 预制建筑与内部和家具
  • 用于更快创建关卡的样条蓝图
  • 散射碎片的蓝图
  • 具有多个细节层的高级材料
  • 自然资产,如树木,草,蕨类植物和岩石
  • 具有基于距离的混合、宏观细节和虚拟纹理支持的4层景观材料
  • 4,2平方公里示例级别,具有动态照明和阴雨天气选项
  • 用于控制湿度和天气的环境控制器
  • 高品质平铺纹理库
  • 具有第一人称和第三人称模式的示例播放器
  • 内置碰撞、Lod和纳米支撑








  • 4K(61)
  • 2K(260)
  • 1K(141)
  • 512 (7)
  • 256 (23)




文件: 文件,展示 短片, 支持Discord服务器

重要/附加说明:选择”不要进口“启动项目时。 Pack包含一些源文件,供那些喜欢编辑它们的人使用,并且可以重置一些设置。

2.0 Version is now added! Showcase video

Huge 4,2 square kilometer environment with buildings that contain interiors, furniture, doors and detailed materials with lots of control. Environment also contains drivable vehicle blueprints that generate different colors and levels of damage results. Spline blueprints for power lines, roads and fences.

A huge library of different post apocalyptic style assets like props, furniture and debris models. Pack also includes a set of nature assets like different types of tree models with small and large versions, grass/fern models and a large set of rock and stone assets with advanced rock materials.

Example level is using World Partition and a landscape material that comes with four different layers using hi-quality textures, distance based macro details, slope and virtual texturing support + landscape grass. Materials support moss/dirt/damage and wetness layers. Various material layers are converted into material functions for easier editing and assets are using material instances.

Pack also comes with an example player that contains logic to interact with vehicles, items, doors etc.

This pack already contains products like Post Apocalyptic Rifle and vehicles. Assets are built to utilize Nanite and Lumen. Trees are using PivotPainter for wind. Blueprints are not built with networking in mind.

This product supports Nanite and Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.1+

Lumen documentation Link

Vehicles require ChaosVehiclesPlugin

2.0版本现已添加! 展览短片

巨大的4,2平方公里的环境,建筑物包含内部,家具,门和详细的材料,有很多控制。 环境还包含可驾驶的车辆蓝图,可生成不同颜色和级别的损坏结果。 电力线、道路和围栏的样条蓝图。

一个巨大的图书馆不同的后世界末日风格的资产,如道具,家具和碎片模型。 Pack还包括一组自然资产,如不同类型的小版本和大版本的树木模型,草/蕨类植物模型以及一大组具有高级岩石材料的岩石和石头资产。

示例关卡使用世界分区和带有四个不同图层的地形材质,使用高品质纹理、基于距离的宏观细节、坡度和虚拟纹理支持+地形草。 材料支持苔藓/污垢/损伤和润湿层。 各种材质图层会转换为材质函数,以便更轻松地进行编辑,并且资源正在使用材质实例。


这个包已经包含了像后世界末日这样的产品 步枪 车辆. 资产是建立利用纳米和流明. 树木正在使用PivotPainter进行风。 蓝图并不是在考虑网络的情况下构建的。

本产品支持Nanite和Lumen for Unreal Engine5.1+

流明文档 连结

车辆需要 [医]杂种,杂种
