Features: 22 effects for realistic games (15 complete spells with main and casting effects) with SFX.
Type of Emitters: CPU | Ribbon | Mesh Emitters
Number of Niagara Systems: 22
LODs: No
Number of Textures: 86
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 90 + 7 materials for demo scene
Number of Material Functions: 1
Number of Unique Meshes: 26
Number of Blueprints: 4
Number of Sounds: 16
Number of Audio cues: 16
Supported Development Platforms: PC | Mobiles | Consoles | VR | WEB
Additional Notes: Distortion particles are enabled by default, but you can disable them in the Niagara systems for mobiles. Craters are made in 2 variants: simple sprites and custom Niagara decals. Decals are disabled by default.
You can regulate Swords or Lightning number throw Niagara system.
特征: 22效果逼真的游戏(15个完整的法术与主要和施法效果)与SFX.
尼亚加拉系统的数量: 22
纹理数量: 86
材质函数数: 1
唯一网格数: 26
蓝图数目: 4
声音数量: 16
音频提示数: 16
其他注意事项:默认情况下,失真粒子是启用的,但您可以在尼亚加拉瀑布系统中禁用它们。 陨石坑有两种变体:简单的精灵和定制的尼亚加拉贴花. 默认情况下,贴花是禁用的。
The asset includes 14 unique realistic effects with SFX!
You can easily scale these Niagara effects using only 1 scaling value. You can check this in the end of showcase video.
Half of craters are made in 2 variants: decals like in “Valorant” game or just simple plane particles.
3 of 14 effects use Blueprints for collision detection and spawning.
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你可以 容易缩放 这些Niagara效果仅使用1个缩放值。 您可以在showcase视频的末尾查看此内容。
YouTube的 | 第二个YouTube频道 | 推特 | 艺术站 | Instagram | 不和谐(支持)