- Compression support. Test: 2,273KB to only 113KB. Compressed files can’t easily be edited in hex editors.
- Async Save and Load support.
- Auto Backups support.
- Level streaming support.
- BP Structures support.
- Save to custom Folder support.
- Any variable can be saved.
- Customizable. Save only certain components of an Actor.
- This plugin doesn’t destroy an recreates the Actors in the world. They only update their data.
- A project doesn’t need to be adapted in order to use this plugin. This plugin focuses on doing things similarly to the Engine’s default save system, and extends on top of it.
- GameInstance autosave supported.
- Data from multiple levels can be saved into a single file.
Code Modules:
- CSWAutoSaveAndLoadSystem (Runtime)
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of C++ Classes: 11
Network Replicated: Supported.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows.
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Android. [Other platforms require manual compilation]
- 压缩支撑。 测试:2,273KB至仅113KB。 在十六进制编辑器中无法轻松编辑压缩文件。
- 异步保存和加载支持。
- 自动备份支持。
- 级流支持。
- BP结构支撑。
- 保存到自定义文件夹支持。
- 任何变量都可以保存。
- 可定制。 仅保存Actor的某些组件。
- 这个插件不会破坏一个重新创建世界上的演员. 他们只更新他们的数据。
- 一个项目不需要为了使用这个插件进行调整。 这个插件专注于做类似于引擎的默认保存系统的事情,并在其之上扩展。
- 支持GameInstance自动保存。
- 来自多个级别的数据可以保存到一个文件中。
- CSWAutoSaveAndLoadSystem(运行时)
蓝图数目: 1
C++类数: 11
网络复制: 支持。
支持的开发平台: 窗户。
支持的目标构建平台: Windows,Android。 [其他平台需要手动编译]
Plugin Showcase: Link
Tutorials Playlist: Link
Example Project: Link
*** Changes in UE5.3+ ***
- Added new methods for Saving/Loading the game that intends to replace the existing ones (This change doesn’t affect projects using older versions of the plugin). Note that using the new methods is completely optional but recommended for new projects.
- The new methods now all use the `.sav` extension for all save files, the `.csav` extension was removed since the plugin auto detects if a save file is compressed or not automatically now.
- The new methods can handle corrupted files gracefully (for example, `CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()` will return an `IO error` if it tries to load a corrupted/invalid file, without crashing the program).
- `CSW::SaveGameToSlot()` can save backups automatically (The amount of backups is customizable). These backups are saved under the `.bakx` extension.
- The saving methods can now select a `PathMode`, to either save/load files to relative paths on the save folder or any path in the platform system. Different platforms may have different restrictions, so this is exposed to give better control on where to save the game.
- Added new methods to handle the backups (`GetFirstBackupForSlot()`, `MoveBackupToSlot`, `GetBackupIndexesForSlot()`) that can be used to load backup files, for example, if something went wrong after attempting to load a save file.
- Added a `MigrateSaveFileFrom2.0To3.0` method that can be used to migrate save files created with the old saving methods so they can be used with the new methods.
- Added a new example on how to use these new methods to the project example linked in the description (5.3+). The example is located in `Content/Maps/zzAutoBackups`
*** – ***
*** Change in UE5.0+ ***
Since UE5, “CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()” does no longer need a SaveGame object reference input. This change will require a small modification in the logic as the node will throw an error (only in UE5.0 for users moving from UE4). Please note that the following link shows the current recommended way of using the “CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()” node.
Additionally, the example project has been updated to UE5 as well.
*** – ***
Save Actors, Character, Components, AI State, Widget State, etc. Add a custom component to any Actor and save the entire data of it. Save Actors across multiple levels or while using level streaming into a single and compressed file. Highly Customizable plugin! Async save also supported!
This plugin extends the functionality of the Save and Load system from the engine to ensure compatibility. Also, this C++ plugin is exposed to Blueprints. This allows saving and loading hundred of actors in a blink of an eye thanks to the power of C++ while, thanks to the versatility of Blueprints, no programming knowledge is needed in order to use this plugin.
插件展示: 连结
教程播放列表: 连结
示例项目: 连结
***UE5.3+的变化 ***
- 添加了用于保存/加载打算替换现有游戏的新方法(此更改不会影响使用旧版本插件的项目)。 请注意,使用新方法是完全可选的,但建议用于新项目。
- 新方法现在都使用`。sav’所有保存文件的扩展名,该’。csav的扩展被删除,因为插件自动检测保存文件是否被压缩或不自动现在。
- 新方法可以优雅地处理损坏的文件(例如,`CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()`将返回`IO错误`,如果它试图加载损坏/无效的文件,而不会使程序崩溃)。
- ‘CSW::SaveGameToSlot()’可以自动保存备份(备份数量可自定义)。 这些备份保存在`下。bakx的扩展。
- 保存方法现在可以选择”PathMode”,以将文件保存/加载到保存文件夹或平台系统中的任何路径上的相对路径。 不同的平台可能有不同的限制,所以这是为了更好地控制在哪里保存游戏。
- 添加了新的方法来处理可用于加载备份文件的备份(`GetFirstBackupForSlot()`,`MoveBackupToSlot`,`GetBackupIndexesForSlot()`),例如,如果尝试加载保存文件后出现问题。
- 添加了一个`MigrateSaveFileFrom2.0to3.0’方法,可用于迁移使用旧保存方法创建的保存文件,以便它们可以与新方法一起使用。
- 在描述(5.3+)中链接的项目示例中添加了一个关于如何使用这些新方法的新示例。 该示例位于’Content/Maps/zzAutoBackups`
*** – ***
***UE5.0+的变化 ***
从UE5开始,”CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()”不再需要SaveGame对象引用输入。 此更改将需要对逻辑进行少量修改,因为节点将引发错误(仅在ue5.0中针对从UE4移动的用户)。 请注意,以下链接显示了使用”CSW::LoadGameFromSlot()”节点的当前推荐方式。
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保存Actor,角色,组件,AI状态,小部件状态等。 向任意Actor添加自定义组件并保存其全部数据。 跨多个关卡保存Actor,或者在使用关卡流式传输到单个压缩文件时保存Actor。 高度可定制的插件! 还支持异步保存!
这个插件扩展了引擎的保存和加载系统的功能,以确保兼容性。 此外,此C++插件将公开给蓝图。 由于C++的强大功能,这样可以在一眨眼的时间内保存和加载数百个actor,而由于蓝图的多功能性,使用这个插件不需要编程知识。