
Code Modules:

  •  MonetizationGoodies (Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: 2

Number of C++ Classes: 21

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, macOS

Supported Target Build Platforms: Android, iOS

Documentation: https://docs.ninevastudios.com/#/ue-plugins/monetization-unreal

Example Project: Demo level included in the plugin

Important/Additional Notes: This plugin makes effort to expose all the native Android and iOS APIs regarding monetization, that’s why the APIs are made to mirror the native ones. For all the setup, you should use official guides and documentation from Google/Apple.



  •  货币化(运行时)




支持的目标构建平台: 安卓,iOS

文件: https://docs.ninevastudios.com/#/ue-plugins/monetization-unreal


重要/附加说明:这个插件努力公开所有关于货币化的本机Android和iOS Api,这就是为什么Api被用来镜像本机Api的原因。 对于所有设置,您应该使用Google/Apple的官方指南和文档。

As UE monetization features on Android/iOS are sometimes outdated and expose very simplistic and limited APIs, this plugin aims to expose all the Android Billing Library APIs/StoreKit APIs for Blueprint usage.

Before purchasing, please read all the information below VERY CAREFULLY.

This plugin is not as user-friendly as UE built-in purchases. It sacrifices simplicity for the sake of full control and flexibility. All the APIs mirror the native Android Billing Library APIs/StoreKit APIs and you must be ready to dive into the respective implementations to understand what is going on and implement your flow:

We try keeping APIs as low-level as possible, that’s why Android and iOS APIs are completely separated. This is a bit of an advanced package, the purpose of which is to give you FULL CONTROL AND FLEXIBILITY of the native APIs which also makes it more complicated to use.

Documentation: https://docs.ninevastudios.com/#/ue-plugins/monetization-unreal. Also, demo levels included in the plugin should be a good reference point.

 If you are in doubt about anything please contact us on our Discord server.

You can also join our Patreon to support our further work and get some benefits.

由于Android/iOS上的UE货币化功能有时已经过时,并且公开了非常简单和有限的Api,这个插件的目的是公开所有的 Android计费库Api/斯托克特 用于蓝图使用的api。

在购买之前,请阅读以下所有信息 非常小心.

这个插件是 不像UE内置购买那样用户友好. 它牺牲了简单性 控制和灵活性. 所有的Api都镜像了本机 Android计费库Api/StoreKit Api 您必须准备好深入了解各自的实现,以了解正在发生的事情并实现您的流程:

我们试图保持Api尽可能的低级,这就是为什么Android和iOS Api是完全分开的。 这是一个高级包,其目的是为您提供本机Api的完全控制和灵活性,这也使其使用更加复杂。

文件: https://docs.ninevastudios.com/#/ue-plugins/monetization-unreal。此外,插件中包含的演示级别应该是一个很好的参考点。

 如果您有任何疑问,请与我们联系 不和谐服务器.

您也可以加入我们的 帕特雷翁 以支持我们的进一步工作并获得一些好处。
