Features include:

-21 Modular pipe meshes (Pipe01)

-10 Merged pipe meshes (Pipe01)

-18 Modular HVAC tube meshes (Pipe02)

-10 Merged HVAC tube meshes (Pipe02)

-Asset zoo scene

-Example scene

Number of Blueprints: 1

Number of Unique Meshes: 39 (Not including flipped or combined meshes)

Nanite meshes: Supported but turned off by default

Collision: Simple (Where appropriate on meshes like brackets), Complex (On curved modular sections and meshes intended to be used with splines.)

LODs: Yes

Lumen: This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+ (Lumen documentation)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 8

Number of Textures: 21

Texture Resolutions: 4096×4096, PBR, Packed textures (you can downscale these in engine if needed)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows













流明:本产品支持虚幻引擎5.0+的流明 (流明文档)





This is a pack containing two sets of modular pipe meshes. The first set could be used to create water, gas or electicity networks. The second contains square HVAC style ducts that are suited to ceilings or roofs.

Two maps are included with this pack, an Asset Zoo that contains all the assets of the pack and an Example Map that shows you an example use case of what you could create with the pack.

Preset merged meshes created from the modular pipes are provided for inspiration / demonstration or for usage in your projects as a speedy way to make pipe systems.

This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.0+

(Meshes have been created in a way best to work either on their own or with the help of the included spline blueprint. As splines can not use nanite meshes, meshes in this pack do not have it enabled by default, although you can enable it after you’ve made your spline and merged it into one mesh.)


  • In Unreal 5.4.0 Epic changed how splines work slightly, it no longer understands anything when you move an anchor point. Here is a link to the bug, click vote on the vote box so epic sees it and can hopefully fix it: https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-212309 One temporary workaround is when you move an anchorpoint, click the ‘Input spline points to construction script’ tickbox on and off again. It should re-fresh the logic and at least works temporarily.

这是一个包含两组模块化管道网格的包。 第一组可用于创建水、气或电气网络。 第二个包含适合天花板或屋顶的方形HVAC风格管道。



本产品支持Nanite for Unreal Engine5.0+

(网格体的创建方式可以最好地独立工作,也可以借助包含的样条蓝图。 由于样条不能使用纳米网格,因此此包中的网格在默认情况下不启用它,尽管您可以在制作样条并将其合并为一个网格后启用它。)


  • 在虚幻5.4.0中,Epic稍微改变了样条的工作方式,当您移动锚点时,它不再理解任何内容。 这里是一个链接到错误,点击投票框,所以史诗看到它,并希望能修复它: https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-212309 一个临时的解决方法是,当您移动锚点时,再次单击”输入样条点到构造脚本”复选框。 它应该重新刷新逻辑,至少暂时起作用。
