– Control size manually or automatic via UMG
– Rectangular, circular + bordered, borderless, transparent
– Create backgrounds by drawing over generated images with nav mesh
– Center the map on an area or actor. Control zoom-level and rotation. Show the player camera’s view as a trapezoid.
– Supports automatic texture switching based on height (multi-floor building) or priority (indoor volume).
– Fires UI interaction events
– All properties changeable in-game
– Give an actor an icon by attaching an icon component
– Customize its texture and material
– Material instances are accessible for gameplay driven animation. Flash, pulse and clock anims included.
– Control icon size in screen space or world space
– Customize rotation, draw color and Z-order
– Show an arrow when icon is off the map
Fog of war
– Add fog of war to the minimap and world
– Actors can reveal areas temporarily or permanently
– Actors and their icons can be hidden when inside fog
All features are in BP & C++.
Networking Compatible: Yes. Minimap icons use local data such as (replicated) actor locations. Icon visuals like team color and visibility are client controlled, but can be programmed by you to be driven by replicated variables.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac
Support Discord:
Support Email:
-将地图居中放置在区域或actor上。 控制缩放级别和旋转。 将玩家摄像机的视图显示为梯形。
-材质实例可用于游戏驱动动画。 闪光,脉冲和时钟动画包括在内。
网络兼容:是的。 小地图图标使用本地数据,例如(复制的)actor位置。 图标视觉效果,如团队颜色和可见性是客户端控制的,但可以由您编程,由复制变量驱动。
April 29 2024 Update: Download links for UE 5.3 and 5.4 compatible versions of the example project added. Plugin updated to 5.4.
September 19 2022 Update: Fixed MapBackground not capturing scene correctly after a change introduced in Unreal Engine 5.0.3
March 7 2022 Update: Video Tutorial Part 1 added.
March 2 2022 Update: Featured in March Free Content! To celebrate this, I am working on a video tutorial. Please stay tuned. Added a Support Discord link. Updated the Example Project to target 4.27 instead of 4.25.
Preview / Trailer: Journeyman’s Minimap features trailer
Shipped Title Highlight: Journeyman’s Minimap in a multiplayer battle royale game
Video Tutorial **NEW March 2022**
Part 1: Minimap Basics
Part 2: Fog of War
Part 3: Advanced Backgrounds
Documentation: How to use PDF
Example Project 4.25: Targets UE 4.25
Example Project 4.27: Targets UE 4.27
Example Project 5.3: Targets UE 5.3
Example Project 5.4: Targets UE 5.4
Support Discord: *Link had expired, updated March 18 2022*
Support Email:
Add one or more (mini-)maps to your game with customizable border, shape and transparency. Add icons to actors in C++ or BP. Customize icon animations with gameplay driven materials and hook your gameplay logic up to minimap UI events. Multiplayer compatible.
Icons are greatly customizable, such as in terms of texture, animated material, rotation, size in screen or world units, draw color and draw order. When an icon is outside the minimap it can appear as an arrow at the edge of the map. Any aspect of an icon’s appearance can be changed during gameplay via C++ or BP.
Intuitively prepare background textures by dragging a volume into the world that will generate a top-down render, optionally with nav mesh, every time you move or nudge the volume. Draw over the render and assign it to the volume. It will then show up in the minimap. Supports automatic background texture switching in multi-floor dungeons and when transitioning between in and outdoors.
Add suspense to your game with the included fog of war feature. If used, minimap backgrounds start blacked out and players can move around to gradually uncover the map. The player and other actors can either temporarily reveal areas in fog to achieve MOBA/RTS style team vision, or permanently reveal visited areas for action RPG style exploration. Icons can show or hide in fog and fog values can be queried for gameplay purposes. A post process effect is included that can be used to render the fog in the world.
2024年4月29日更新:添加了UE5.3和5.4兼容版本示例项目的下载链接。 插件更新到5.4。
2022年3月2日更新:特色在3月免费内容! 为了庆祝这一点,我正在制作一个视频教程。 请继续收听。 添加了支持Discord链接。 将示例项目更新为目标4.27而不是4.25。
支持不和谐: *链接已过期,2022年3月18日更新*
添加一个或多个(迷你)地图到您的游戏与可定制的边框,形状和透明度。 在C++或BP中为actor添加图标。 自定义图标动画与游戏驱动的材料和钩您的游戏逻辑到小地图UI事件。 多人兼容。
图标可以极大地定制,例如在纹理,动画材料,旋转,屏幕或世界单位的大小,绘制颜色和绘制顺序方面。 当图标位于小地图之外时,它可以在地图边缘显示为箭头。 在游戏过程中,可以通过C++或BP更改图标外观的任何方面。
直观地准备背景纹理,通过拖动一个体积到世界,将产生一个自上而下的渲染,可选与导航网格,每次移动或轻推体积。 绘制渲染并将其分配给卷。 然后它会显示在小地图中。 支持自动背景纹理切换在多层地下城和转换之间的室内和室外。
添加悬念到您的游戏与包括雾的战争功能. 如果使用,小地图背景开始变黑,玩家可以四处移动以逐渐揭开地图。 玩家和其他演员可以暂时揭示雾中的区域以实现MOBA/RTS风格的团队视野,或者永久揭示动作RPG风格探索的访问区域。 图标可以显示或隐藏在雾和雾值可以查询游戏的目的。 包括后处理效果,可用于渲染世界中的雾。